Q  What is the purpose and goal(s) of AZBHOF?  

A  The purpose of AZBHOF is to identify and recognize individuals who have had the greatest impact on the sport of pool in Arizona. Our primary goal is to install at least two individuals in the Hall annually by way of a banquet and induction ceremony. Another goal is to organize and conduct periodic tournaments that will be open to AZBHOF registered members.

Q  What are the requirements to be nominated for induction to the Hall of Fame? 

A  Individuals being considered for nomination to the HOF must be at least 40 years of age, and must have resided in Arizona for a minimum of 10 years.

Q  How are nominees determined? 

A  The board of directors maintains a running list of 15 individuals who have met the requirements and qualifications to be nominees for induction. As nominees are voted into the HOF (inducted) they are replaced on the running list of 15 nominees by new individuals who are voted in by AZBHOF registered members. 

Q  How do registered members vote for nominees and inductees? 

 A  Voting is done at azbhof.com, exclusively. There are two voting periods, annually. The first is to elect to the HOF the designated number of individuals from the running list of 15 nominees. The second is to vote for replacements on the nominee list to fill the vacancies created by the HOF election. 

Q  What are the benefits to being a registered member? 

A   Besides being able to vote for nominees and inductees to the HOF, members are eligible to attend the annual induction banquet, plus they are eligible to participate in all AZBHOF tournaments, raffles, etc.

Q  What is the cost of membership? 

A   The AZBHOF offers three levels of membership: $10 for 1 year, $25 for 3 years, and $40 for 5 years. 

Q  How do I become a member? 

A   Go to azbhof.com and click on the “Join Now” tab.